On the mend

A lot better today.  The better weather the day after New Year started the spell and it was helped by the close attention of good friends whose concern for my several predicaments has been not just touching but really helpful.  I think I’ve been a bit of a worry for a few people.  So this is to say that I’m now on the mend again and feel I have the resources to cope with the vicissitudes of fortune from wheresoever they may befall.

Among all the problems I’ve had recently, the death of my car was a major one.  I bought it about nine months ago, spent a small fortune on it only to find it finally was only fit to scrap just before Christmas and I couldn’t afford to replace it.  In steps my good friend Colin with an offer of his recently SORNed car, a good solid VW Passat diesel and he offered it for free!  And until it is ready I have another one to use from Hilary who has just upgraded hers and instead of giving it partex has generously let me have her old one.  So now I am a man of two cars!!!  I think the Passat will be better suited in the long term because I can have a tow bar put on it and use it to shunt the trailer around the yard, whereas Hilary’s lovely little shopper Fiat Panda wouldn’t have the engine for that, but will be good for pottering around.  Not sure though I can afford to insure both, but I will keep the Panda insured until that runs out in February so I can see which one suits best.

Anyway thanks to both good friends.  Another good friend Russ got me out of a problem with my ancient computer and his partner Suzanne (the cabinet maker who made my rock pool table) listened time and time again to my depressive ramblings over the last couple of weeks. So thanks to them too.

Today I shopped at Aldi, spending £30 on food that would certainly have cost more elsewhere and £10 at B&M.  I’m going to see how long it lasts.

Hilary came for tea (which is a quite regular and very pleasant occurrence) and kept me buoyant with her mind’s meanderings.

I’ve finished my accounts, or rather I’VE FINISHED MY ACCOUNTS!!!  The annual rummage in my past, in this case March 2012 to April 2013 is always interesting, but in this case I think added to my psychological crisis as it was a difficult year (yes another one!), and however much you try to avoid it those occasions are remembered as you go through the diary working out the debt. I am going to try to locate an accounts package that I can run on my laptop and complete regularly rather than lump it all together in a four day fiscal frenzy.

Just returned from the 50p shop which was closed until January 18th.  Nightmare! But I did discover a mobile hairdresser in the local village so saved some money and a trip into Chester.  Roundabout and swings!

I’m going to start an allotment plot here near my yard.  I always used to have one when I lived in a house and I miss gardening a great deal, but this is the problem solved.  The area used to be part of the market garden for the Big House, so there’s old greenhouses and all sorts, all in various stages of dilapidation, not unlike me, so I’m going to make a start today clearing stuff.  It’ll be good therapy too. Here's a photo of the space, or some of it:

Quite a lot to be done, but hey travail c'est la sante as the French say.

Wind and rain bashing the lorry yesterday but quieter today.  Good day to start an allotment…

All the best from a road near you,

Mr Alexander


My ménage a trois


The Mr Alexander tea ceremony