The plot thickens

Chapter 2 of the Mystery of the Materialising Money.  My bashful benefactor has struck again and this time with even more panache.  Same ‘Mister’ not Mr Alexander on a large envelope, posted in Worthing (theatrical home of THE Handbag) anyway BN11 on the stamp and a number of intriguing enclosures, not least of which was another £50 and this time is the form of a £50 note.  I’ve not had one of those in my hands for some time! This in a used envelope (no address) with a handwritten note ‘Here’s one I made this morning!’ A flamboyant hand and a flamboyant gesture.  Male I think but who knows? A graphologist I guess might.

Also enclosed, provocatively pasted to a handbill of Southend’s Cliff Pavilion, a handwritten description of and homage to Mr Alexander, his dogs, show and life.  All the words begin with the letter A in capitals.  It’s clever and must have taken a lot of working.  Here’s what was written:

All About A

Audiences All Around Are Anxiously Awaiting Alexander And Animals’ Articulated Arrival. Anticipating Amazing Artistic Ability As Articles Appear And Are Astonishingly Altered And Angled Away Again And Again, Audacious Acrobatic Activities And Adventurous Aerial Antics (Always Avoiding Ambulances!) Appropriately Aged And Aspiring Amateur Actors Aid And Abet As Asked And Achieve A’s Alliance and Admiration. Adoring Audience Approval And Applause Adds Animation At All Appearances. An April Allowance Avoids ‘Ardship As Actor Anticipates Approaching Annual Activities And Accompanying ‘Apennies:-

An Ardent Admirer


I think I’m going to have it made as a handbill for the show, apart from the final sentence.  I loved ‘Always Avoiding Ambulances’ and ‘Adoring Audience Approval And Applause Adds Animation At All Appearances’.  Really great copy!

So my benefactor knows the show.  Do I know them though?  I suspect I might do but whoever it is is being very canny at avoiding letting me know exactly who they are.  I think the South of England may be a smokescreen, as I haven’t played Worthing or Southend for many years (although I would love to do so) and I can’t say I know of anyone from down there any more.  I think they read the blog and will have read my previous entry on the Materialising Money as they have been deliberately even more intriguing this time.

Once again I have to say a real thanks and that the money will be properly invested in the show and not frittered on fanciful frippery (this alliteration is catching).  The times have been financially and fiscally frustrating (oh stop it, now) and the investment is very welcome.  I will now be able to buy new clever stick handsticks (which broke last year), some new collars for the dogs so they can Also Appeal, Amaze And Attract Attention At All Apperances.

There was also one other small enclosure which came with a sense of humour and a knowledge of my show but I am leaving this out of the blog so if the person does want me to know it was them when they see me they can tell me what it was as only they will know!!  I have a feeling the person would like me to know who they are…

Anyway it’s very touching and most welcome! As well as being wonderfully intriguing.

All the best from a road near you,

Mr Alexander


The end is nigh!


Memories are made of this